Some years ago I was thinking about why God created humans with a physical body to live in a physical world. I believe that according to Genesis 1, God created the heavens first or at least around the same time that He created the Earth, and that He created the angels before He created mankind. It seems that all the angels inhabited heaven with God, until Lucifer deceived many of them and the rebels were cast out of heaven. Because of their rebellion, God prepared a place for the fallen angels called hell. Since the angels were created as solely spiritual beings who didn't have a perishable body, and I also believe they had a greater revelation of God from the moment they were created than Adam and Eve did, they didn't have any excuse for falling away from God and could not be redeemed. Then God created a physical world with physical intelligent beings who also had a spirit, but with a perishable physical element, and I believe also less revelation of the fullness of God than the angels had, so that when they sinned, they would have the chance to be redeemed. I would like to emphasize that I don't believe that humanity was God's plan B since some of the angels were corrupted. I can see that God in His Sovereignty knew that through the redemption provided by Jesus to humanity, God's love would be seen for all creation, both angels and humans alike.
"That in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth in Him." (Ephesians 1:10).